dbt and mindfulness for Borderline Personality Disorder

Learn how to manage borderline personality disorder

You often find yourself caught in your own personal hell.

Intense emotions, chaotic relationships, feelings of emptiness, fear of being left behind or abandoned, and acting in ways that you later regret. Even when things are going well, you fear the worst and wonder if secretly others are planning to leave you or really don’t like you. Often you feel like others don’t understand. Your emotions are hot and heavy, sometimes you may feel like you are drowning in them. 

young woman looking serious

What if you could get learn how to manage borderline personality disorder? Imagine yourself:

  • feeling understood

  • managing your emotions better and feeling like you are in control, not the emotions

  • having relationships that last and are healthy, not superficial or chaotic

  • managing painful emotions and reducing relationship conflicts

  • moving through your emotions versus getting stuck or running away from them

  • having healthier, more satisfying relationships all the while learning how to care for yourself better

Ready for a change in your life?

I want to help you build a life worth living – a life that you love. Take the next step forward.